Can you put this on the big plate?

2 min readOct 13, 2021
Photo by Meghna R on Unsplash

The first time I put her food on a big plate made me realize that she was growing up! Let’s go back, now there was a time when her meals came out of a little jar. I can’t lie I was just fond of this period because I got a chance to enjoy apple sauce on a semi-daily basis. Whole time this is going on, I am wishing that she can eat solid food. I mean I cannot wait until she cut some teeth so I can feed my baby these good meals I be eating! So, we start training. I bite a piece of food, make sure it ain’t super hot, chew it down so it is kinda mushy but still bustling with the flavor and I feed it to my baby with the hopes that she’s gonna enjoy it. Once I saw the smile it was over! I’d done it, I finally introduced my baby to food. Fast forward a bit Now them teeth are coming in and she is capable of eating, off the small plate by herself. She asks for simple things like, can you make it not hot, can you taste it (I convinced my children that the food might be poisoned so I should taste it first, lol) and can I cut the food because it is too big? This is my whole vibe for a couple of years until that dreaded day that I am asked, “Daddy, can you put this on a big plate please?” It is in that space, I have realized after a couple of times of doing this, that now she is in a moment where, her decisions are full of self-awareness, she is ready to relate to the outside world as a participant and not a spectator. When that food get on the “Big Plate,” That is when I make the transition from father/friend to friend/father and I pray that the world can make whatever is on it not hot, check it for poison or cut it when it is too big! Thank you for listening!




World traveler, Emmy winner, Activist, Veteran, ADOS, Cousin, Brother, Son, Father, Husband and Son of HASHEM, born and raised on the Southside of Chicago.